Rates and Fees
The LSDC establishes the various rates and fees on an annual or as needed basis and publishes them in the Schedule of Fees which is Appendix 1 of of the LSDC's Rules and Regulations. The Schedule of Fees establishes the costs associated with services related to the operation, construction, and use of public and private sewers connected to the Commission's System.
This schedule is not a substitute for the Rules and Regulations of the District but is rather supplement to them establishing fees for permits and use. For clarification on any fee subject please refer to the LSDC's Rules and Regulations. The Commission reserves the right to amend or waive this Schedule of Fees in any manner and to establish more stringent fees or requirements as are deemed necessary or appropriate.
Under the authority of Chapter 831 (Section 12) of the 1967 Acts and Resolves of Massachusetts and G.L. c. 83, and in furtherance of the goals set forth therein, the Lancaster Sewer District Commission has established the following Schedule of Fees associated with the regulations governing the use of public and private sewers in the Lancaster Sewer District.
Sewer Usage and Administrative Fees
Sewer Usage Rate.....................................................................$.0935 per Cubic Foot
Late Payment Fee......................................................................4% interest on outstanding balance
General Administrative Fee.........................................................$35 (Includes account closeouts, special calcs, etc)
Detailed Betterment Account Breakdown.......................................Free once per year, $80 each additional
Violations and Fines...................................................................$50 per day per offense + direct costs
Installation Permit Fees
General Service Installation Permit...............................................$150
Special Service Installation Permit................................................$250 + General Service Installation Fee
Industrial Service Installation Permit............................................$350 + General/Special Service Installation Fee
Sewer Flow Capacity Special Permit..............................................$100 + $120 per gallon
Second Meter Permit..................................................................$50
Manhole Inspection....................................................................$300 per manhole after 1 manhole
Large Installation Inspection (for installations > 300 feet)...............Length of pipe less $200
Sewer Expansion and Development Fees
Betterment Assessment Charge...................................................Varies by location, amortized at 5% interest
Sewer Entrance Charge in Lieu of Assessment...............................$8,000 per unit and up depending on location
Sewer Extension Permit..............................................................$1,500 application fee, non-refundable
Sewer Extension Fee..................................................................$8,000 per unit or $20 per GPD, greater of
Change in Use Fee.....................................................................$8,000 per unit or $20 per GPD, greater of
Sewer Disconnect Permit............................................................$150
Permit to Access Commission Sewers...........................................$50 per day
Contractor Licensing Fees
Utility Construction License.........................................................$250 every two years + bonding and insurance
Drainlayers License....................................................................$250 annually + bonding and insurance